As a business growth strategist, when I am working with a new or a prospective client I often ask early who their mentor is.
I often get the following answers:
- Sir Richard Branson
- Mark Bouris
- Donald Trump
- Clive Palmer (don’t laugh I get his name often)
My UK clients will quote Richard Branson, Sir Alan Sugar and Sir Philip Green
When I hear these names I then ask the question
‘So, when was the last time you spoke to your mentor?’
Almost every time I get a confused look.
You see the above people are great business people but unless you have their personal phone number and can call them they are not your mentors or coach. They are simply people and businesses you want to replicate.
I love the way Sir Richard Branson runs his businesses. I follow him on Twitter and Facebook, read his biographies, his books and follow his articles. Guess what? No matter how much I try to put in practice his ideas there is always something not quite right. If I could only call him and ask a few questions. And that’s the problem – I can’t call him and therefore his ideas just don’t work for me.
Thing is I really believe in having a business advisor or business coach and a mentor. I actually have two coaches and when I want to ask a question, get feedback, put in practices and ideas it is good to know I can call them at any time and simply ask them.
My coaches have provided invaluable information to me about my business and how to grow it. Sometimes they see things in my business that I do not see. Over the years I truly believe they have given me advice that has resulted in extraordinary growth for my business. The reason this has happened is because there is always a two way conversation happening. Unclear matters can be cleared instantaneously and there is no guesswork.
So if I were to ask ‘Would your business be transformed if an expert business coach, mentor or growth strategist spent a few hours a month with you?’
I think you might answer ‘Yes’
So let me ask another question. ‘If one of the above names is a mentor to you has your business been transformed by them?’ I think you might answer ‘No’
I have found over the last 15 years that successful business owners employ great business coaches and have great mentors. These coaches and mentors may not be as good as Sir Richard but they are likely to be more effective in growing your business.
Hitesh Mohalal is Australia’s #1 Business Growth Strategist, and can help you increase your profits by up to 2000% whilst cutting your work hours in half.
Give us a call on 0731619548 to organise an obligation free, confidential discussion with Hitesh.